man eating bar

Functional Nutrition Bars: What Consumers Want

High growth is forecast for Europe’s nutrition bar market. Adding trending functional ingredients to bars is a simple way to stand out from the competition.


  • Europe is the fastest-growing market for nutrition bars.
  • Protein, fiber, and lower sugar are becoming must-haves for bars.
  • Bars with functional benefits increase the appeal of a nutrition bar.
  • Trending functional ingredients include healthy fats, probiotics, and adaptogens.

Functional Nutrition Bars Meet a Variety of Needs

Functional nutrition bars have a broader audience than ever before—a far cry from their early days as a sports performance product. Now with more consumers looking for healthy snacks that provide extra benefits, functional nutrition bars present a key opportunity in the European market.

High Growth Ahead for Europe’s Nutrition Bar Market

The $11.2 billion global protein and energy bar market continues to expand, forecast to reach $14.0 billion in 2027.1 While North America makes up the largest market at $6.9 million, the Western European market is experiencing the fastest growth at a 9.3% CAGR (2023-2027).2 Western Europe’s bar market is expected to reach the number two spot by 2027, surpassing Asia Pacific.3

Global Protein and Energy Bar Market

RegionRetail Sales 2023 (USD million)Forecast Retail Sales 2027 (USD million)Forecast CAGR (2023-2027)
North America6,867,9372.9%
Asia Pacific1,7522,2555.2%
Western Europe1,5902,4839.3%
Latin America7679875.2%
Middle East and Africa2473003.9%
Source: GlobalData Global Nutrition Bars - Cereal, Energy, Protein, January 2024
woman looking at grocery store

Consumers’ interest in healthier snacking is driving growth in the category. More than half of consumers globally perceive bars to be healthy (56% for protein bars and 56% for cereal bars).4 By contrast, 56% of consumers think chips/crisps are unhealthy, and 59% consider sweets to be unhealthy.5

Nearly one in four consumers have increased their bar consumption over the past year, with about half of them saying it’s because bars are healthy.6 Additional reasons for increasing consumption are a change in lifestyle/needs (35%) and the greater variety/novelty available in bars (30%),7 highlighting the continued importance of convenience and taste adventure.

Must-Haves for Functional Bars

Despite the bar category’s diversity—particularly among bars with functional benefits—there are some core expectations emerging among bar consumers. Globally, three claims rise to the top as influencing consumers’ purchasing decision when buying energy or cereal bars: high/source of protein (27%), high/source of fiber (27%), and low/no/reduced sugar (27%).8

1. Protein

Protein is the nutrient driving new users to the bar category. Consumers are seeking protein for sustained energy, satiety, weight loss, muscle support, and general health. Active lifestyle and performance consumers show the highest usage of protein bars, especially as a holdover between meals to help them avoid bad choices. 26% of recent energy and cereal bar launches in Europe feature a protein claim.9

protein bars

2. Fiber

40% of Europe’s recent bar launches make a fiber claim.10 Consumers’ interest in fiber is experiencing a resurgence largely due to an increased focus on digestive health. Fiber continues to be a shortfall nutrient in many countries, with bars acting as a quick and easy way to boost intake. Interest in prebiotic fiber to support the gut microbiome and beta-glucan fiber for heart health is also increasing.

3. Lower Sugar

The growing interest in low- and no-sugar products strongly influences the bar category. More bar consumers, who tend to be health-oriented, check nutrition labels for added and total sugars when choosing products. They see a disconnect between a bar that’s high in protein or fiber, but also high in sugar. The shift toward lower sugar is emerging as a significant category trend.

Favorite Functional Ingredients for Bars

Besides a healthy nutritional profile, functional ingredients to support specific needs can help a bar stand out on the shelf. About one in five consumers are influenced by functional ingredients when they buy an energy or cereal bar.11 Expect this number to grow as more consumers become aware they can get the benefits they seek from functional beverages and supplements in a convenient, delicious bar. 

1. Healthy Fats

The keto diet has brought fat back into the spotlight. The coconut oil MCTs used in today’s popular keto bars are being studied not just for weight loss benefits, but also for sports performance and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids are another category of healthy fats that functional bars can deliver as ALA through chia and flax seeds or as encapsulated DHA from marine sources.


2. Probiotics

Probiotics remain a trending functional ingredient, presenting an enormous opportunity for nutrition bar manufacturers. Thanks to the development of shelf-stable probiotics based on Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis strains, bars are now positioned to compete head-to-head with yogurt on digestive and immune support.

3. Adaptogens

Used in traditional medicine, adaptogens are associated with improving resilience to stress and restoring balance to the body. Adaptogens appeal to consumers seeking products for anxiety, fatigue, sleep, and even immune health. They include botanicals such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil, as well as certain mushrooms like chaga and cordyceps.

Emerging Functional Ingredients for Bars

Some of the newer functional ingredients showing up in bars include collagen to support healthy skin, joints, and bones, as well as turmeric, whose active ingredient, curcumin, is under research for potential anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Caffeine is also picking up speed in functional bars, with companies incorporating caffeine via coffee beans, coffee flour, and green coffee bean extract. Our NutraShield™ Triple Layer Caffeine is microencapsulated for higher inclusion levels without bitterness.

Give Your Nutrition Bars a Boost

Whether it’s a caffeine protein bar for an on-the-go breakfast or a probiotic MCT keto bar to support weight loss, it’s essential to formulate with total nutrition in mind, plus the right blend of functional ingredients for your target consumers. Glanbia Nutritionals' functional bar solutions and ingredients make it simple.

Contact us to learn how we can help with your next functional bar.


1-3. GlobalData Global Nutrition Bars - Cereal, Energy, Protein, January 2024.
4-5. Glanbia Nutritionals, Global Healthy Snacking U&A Study, 2022. 
6-8. Innova Market Insights, Category Insider: Snack Bar Trends: Exploring Global Innovations and Consumer Demands, August 2023.
9-10. Innova Market Insights, What’s Trending in Cereal & Bars – Global, October 2023. (Period Apr 2022-Sep 2023)
11. Innova Market Insights, Category Insider: Snack Bar Trends: Exploring Global Innovations and Consumer Demands, August 2023.

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