women snacking

What Brits Are Snacking on Today

The latest consumer research reveals key UK snacking trends—including which snacks Brits are consuming right now and which snacks are on the rise.


  • Traditional snacks like chocolate, crisps, and biscuits/cookies are preferred in the UK.
  • How much convenience and indulgence matter changes throughout the day.
  • High protein and functional benefits are becoming more important.
  • Nearly 1 in 3 consumers like to see gut health and energy claims on snacks.

Most Popular Types of Snacks in the UK

UK consumers love their snacks—especially sweet, indulgent, and crispy savory snacks. When consumers were asked which types of snacks they reach for, chocolate (88%), crisps (81%), and biscuits/cookies (75%) topped the list.1

58% of UK consumers seek out sweet flavors (64% for fruit flavors) in snack products, while 53% like savory flavors.2 Although snacks are a great format for experiencing new flavors, traditional flavors remain important in this category. 51% of consumers look for “flavors that I know and trust” when choosing a snack.3

Snacking Frequency

The slight preference for sweet over savory snacks in the UK also shows bin snacking frequency. UK consumers eat a savory snack most days of the week (5.6 times per week), compared to sweet packaged snacks, which are consumed almost every day (6.2 times per week).4

Convenience vs. Indulgence: When They Matter Most

Two of the key benefits snacks provide to consumers are convenience and indulgence. Which one matters more depends on the time of day. Three times as many consumers report convenience in a snack is more important than indulgence in the morning,5 presumably due to the time crunch many experience at the start of the day.

woman eating cookie

By afternoon, consumers prioritize convenience slightly more than indulgence in a snack.6 However, by evening, indulgence greatly outweighs convenience.7 This underscores the use of snacks at the end of the day as a reward or comforting treat. It also implies that convenience is not needed as much after the rush of the day is over and consumers are back at home. 

Q: Which is more important to you when seeking out snacks at the following times of the day?

Time of DayConvenienceIndulgence
Source: FMCG Gurus, Snacking Trend in UK Country Report, June 2023

Most Important Functional Benefits for Snacks

While traditional snacks are favored by most, one in four UK consumers prefers high-protein, low-sugar alternatives to traditional snacks,8 a trend that’s gaining traction. Interest in snacks with functional benefits is also significant.

Consumers report they most like to see claims for digestive/gut health (31%) on their snacks, followed by energy (30%) and sleep support (22%).Immune health and weight loss claims on a snack appeal to nearly one in five UK consumers.10

Snacks Gaining Momentum

In exploring which snacks people have been consuming more over the past year, many better-for-you and functional snacks have been experiencing positive momentum.

Sweet Snacks Category

The sweet snacking category as a whole is growing more popular, with consumption increasing across the board. However, the greatest consumption increases in the past year have been for low-carb/keto bars, better-for-you muffins and brownies, protein and diet/weight loss bars, and better-for-you cookies.11

Q: How often are you consuming these products compared to a year ago?

Sweet SnackMore Often or Started Using in the Past Year
Low-carb/keto-friendly bars52%
Muffins, better-for-you51%
Brownies, better-for-you44%
Protein bars39%
Diet/weight loss bars39%
Cookies, better-for-you38%
Glanbia Nutritionals, Health & Wellness Consumer U&A Study – UK, 2023

Savory Snacks Category

In the savory snacks category, low-carb/keto and high-protein savory snacks are picking up speed. Consumers have significantly increased their use of low-carb/keto and protein crackers, low-carb/keto crisps, protein popcorn, and protein crisps.12 With 67% of UK consumers purchasing savory snacks in the past year, the low-carb and high-protein trends in this category represent a big opportunity for brands.13

Q: How often are you consuming these products compared to a year ago?

Savory SnackMore Often or Started Using in the Past Year
Low-card/keto crackers49%
Protein crackers46%
Low-carb/keto crisps43%
Protein popcorn42%
Protein crisps36%
Glanbia Nutritionals, Health & Wellness Consumer U&A Study – UK, 2023

UK Snacking Trending Toward Better-for-You and Functional

Despite UK consumers’ enjoyment of traditional sweet and salty snacks, a shift toward better-for-you and functional snacks is underway. Bars with specific nutrition benefits are becoming more popular, as well as baked goods, crackers, and crisps with healthier formulations.

This trend indicates consumers are taking a more considered approach to snacking, with their health in mind. Brands can boost the appeal and relevance of their snacks by focusing on adding nutrition (like protein) and functional benefits (such as gut health or energy support) that address the current needs and preferences of UK consumers.

Glanbia Nutritionals’ wide range of bar and snack solutions—from dairy and plant-based functional protein solutions, bioactive ingredients for energy, sleep, immunity, and more—have just what you need to make your snacks even better. Contact us to learn what we can do for you.


1. FMCG Gurus, Snacking – Q2 2023 – UK, June 2023.
2-3. FMCG Gurus, Snacking Trends in UK – Country Report, June 2023.
4. Glanbia Nutritionals, Health & Wellness Consumer U&A Study – UK, 2023.
5-10. FMCG Gurus, Snacking Trends in UK – Country Report, June 2023.
11-12. Glanbia Nutritionals, Health & Wellness Consumer U&A Study – UK, 2023.
13. Innova Market Insights, A Taste of Europe: Exploring Salty Snack Trends, December 2023.

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