Healthier sweet baked goods (including better-for-you donuts, muffins, brownies, and cookies) are another area where consumption is picking up.5 Brands in this segment use diverse strategies, from reducing sugar to fortifying with fiber and protein.
Health Consciousness in Snacking
Currently, 15% of consumers’ savory snack choices are better-for-you versions (whether protein-fortified or low-carb), but it’s as high as 27% for active 18-45-year-olds.6 This segment is also driving the better-for-you sweet snacking category, with 63% of their sweet snack choices considered to be better for you.7
Meeting consumer demand for healthier snacking options centers on improving nutrition. More than half of US consumers are trying to consume more protein (56%), more fiber (53%), or less sugar (58%).8 47% are trying to reduce the amount of carbs in their diet.9 Healthy snack innovation should focus on one or more of these priority areas, versus reducing fat or calories, for example.
Convenience and Accessibility
Convenient snack formats should not be overlooked, even when healthy snacking is the focus. For better-for-you sweet snacks and bakery products, “quick and easy to consume” is the most important attribute after “great taste” and “high in protein/good source of protein.”10