woman drinking water

Unlock the Power of Collagen Tripeptides

Witness the market transformation with marine collagen tripeptides.


  • Collagen tripeptides’ small molecular size allows enhanced absorption and targeted efficacy.
  • Collagen tripeptides are most popular in Asia–under brands like Jellice and Donutt.
  • Consumers seek beauty, joint, bone, muscle, and gut health benefits from collagen.

What are Collagen Tripeptides?

Collagen is a protein in the body that provides structure, strength, and elasticity and is present in a variety of tissues, including skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscle, and bone. Collagen tripeptides are a form of collagen with a smaller molecular size than conventional collagen peptides (also known as hydrolyzed collagen), resulting in a number of benefits.

Collagen tripeptides have a higher bioavailability and are absorbed intact through the intestinal barrier, directly into the bloodstream, preferentially targeting collagen-containing tissues (such as the skin). The smaller molecular size also leads to better absorption, allowing it to enter the bloodstream faster. 

Functional Collagen Growing in the Supplements Market

Globally, one in three consumers is interested in collagen functional ingredients.1 While collagen may be best known for its use in beauty supplements and beverages (particularly hydrolyzed collagen for skin support), newer brand-promoted uses include joint health and mobility for athletes and active consumers, as well as holistic wellness.

woman pouring collagen powder into water

Healthy aging is another emerging area for collagen supplementation. “Staying active physically” is the most important healthy aging concern for Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X (and second most important for Boomers, after “keeping an active mind”),2 with bone and joint health becoming more important to consumers as they age.3 Collagen’s role in these functions, combined with decreasing collagen production with age, makes collagen a key healthy aging ingredient.

Collagen Market Trends

In the US, the collagen supplement market is forecast to grow by 7% between 2024 and 2025 to reach $316 million.4 The top positioning for new product launches is hair, skin, and nails (73%), followed by joint health (11%), general health (7%), sports, energy, and weight management (6%), and gut health (3%).5

Expanding Product Positionings

While growth is forecast for all of these positionings, the highest growth is expected for sports, energy, and weight management (+11.6%).6 Among global new product launches (food, beverage, and supplement) featuring a muscle health claim, four of the top ten protein ingredients used are collagen,7 highlighting the rise of collagen as a sports nutrition ingredient.

US Collagen Supplement Market by Product Positioning

Positioning2024 Estimated Sales (millions)Estimated Growth Rate (2024-2025)
Hair, skin, and nails$2076.5%
Joint health$357.1%
General health$248.4%
Sports, energy, and weight management$2111.6%
Gut health$88.3%
Source: Nutrition Business Journal, 2022 NBJ Collagen Report, 2022

Globally, there has also been a surge in brain/mood health (+89%), insomnia (+63%), and immune health (+56%) supplements with added collagen in just three years.Many of these products feature language around holistic wellness and added benefits beyond the primary positioning.

Top Collagen Formats

The most popular formats for collagen products among US consumers are powders (61%) and pills (43%).9 However, a sizable number of collagen consumers are reaching for more enjoyable formats, such as gummies/chewables (29%), coffee creamer powders (20%), and bars (11%).10

Collagen Formats Regularly Used

Format% of Consumers (US)
Topical cosmetic products21.9%
Coffee creamer powders19.5%
Prepared food or beverage (e.g., bone broth)18.4%
Oral spray/quick dissolves7.1%
Source: Nutrition Business Journal, 2022 NBJ Collagen Report, 2022

Collagen User Demographics

In the US, the average age of collagen users is 42, and the majority are women (84.70%), consistent with beauty (hair, skin, and nails) as the leading positioning for this supplement.11 However, as newer positions like sports nutrition and healthy aging gain traction, we may see the demographics changing.

man doing a pull up

Benefits of Collagen Tripeptides Sought by Consumers

Collagen tripeptides are becoming known as superior form of collagen for their enhanced absorption and targeted efficacy, which appeals to consumers seeking the maximum effectiveness collagen can provide. Consumers who use collagen are typically motivated by interests in these areas:

  1. Skin Health – elasticity and smoothness
  2. Hair and Nail Health – strength and growth
  3. Joint Health – mobility and flexibility
  4. Healthy Aging – joint, bone, and muscle health

Brand Successes with Collagen Tripeptides

Collagen tripeptide supplements are more established in Asia than in the US and Europe. Brands that have successfully integrated collagen tripeptides into their supplements include Jellice in Japan, with Jellice Tripeptide GOLDEX 600 capsules and Jellice Collagen Skin Care Cream.

In Thailand, examples include Donutt High Advanced Collagen Tripeptide (HACP) supplement powder made from fish collagen (marine collagen), sold as sachets that can be mixed into water or other beverage. Allness Collagen Tripeptide Pearl Collagen Plus+ combines fish collagen tripeptide with bovine collagen and other ingredients.


The clear advantages of collagen tripeptides for consumers interested in collagen’s benefits highlight an exciting opportunity to educate consumers and grow this market.

Introducing Collameta™, our latest innovation in the realm of bioactive nutritional ingredients, designed to redefine the standards of healthy aging. Collameta™ is a testament to our commitment to excellence, offering a higher potency collagen tripeptide that ensures superior collagen synthesis. This advanced ingredient is pivotal for supporting bone and joint health, as well as enhancing beauty from within. With Collameta, we're not just offering a product; we're providing a pathway to ageless vitality for every stage of life. Dive deeper into the world of Collameta and discover how it can transform your approach to wellness.

Discover how to elevate your products with this and our other cutting-edge ingredients by contacting Glanbia Nutritionals today.


1. Innova Market Insights, Inova Health & Nutrition Survey, 2023.
2. Innova Market Insights, Trends Insider: Top 10 Trends 2023: Trend #3 – Generational Push, March 2023.
3. Innova Market Insights, Innova Trends Survey, 2024.
4-6. Nutrition Business Journal, 2022 NBJ Collagen Report, 2022.
7. Innova Market Insights, 2024. Data 2022-2023 Q3.
8. Innova Database, The Latest Trends in Collagen Ingredients, November 2022. Data 2019-2022.
9-11. Nutrition Business Journal, 2022 NBJ Collagen Report, 2022.

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