
Our wide range of dairy and functional proteins offer superior functional properties—like flavour, solubility and heat stability—and excellent nutritional support for muscle building strength and recovery.
From extending shelf life, to improving flavour, texture and nutrition, our Functional Protein Solutions can improve the overall quality of a wide range of products.
BarFlex® Whey Proteins
Whey protein isolates (WPIs) and concentrates (WPCs) that enable 100% whey formulations, minimize bar hardening and extends the shelf life of nutritional bars. It’s an excellent source of high-quality protein that gives bars a clean flavor and a long-lasting, chewy texture.
Our BarFlex 100 WPC was specifically designed and optimized for extrusion, delivering a range of exceptional starch-like textures without the inclusion of high quantities of starch making it ideal for use in extrusion.
BarPro® Milk Proteins
Milk protein concentrates and isolates (MPCs & MPIs) designed to extend the shelf life of nutrition bars and minimize bar hardening. They’re an excellent source of high-quality protein with a short texture and a clean flavour profile.
BevWise™ Protein Systems
Protein fortification ingredient systems specifically for use in aseptic, hot fill and cold fill processing, providing exceptional nutritional attributes and functional benefits to high acid beverages (protein waters, functional juices, energy drinks, electrolyte beverages). Benefits include superior clarity, less astringency, and improved processing with better dispersion.
Crunchie™ Whey Protein Crisps
Ideal for bar and snack inclusions, delivering exceptional texture and a hearty crunch to a product throughout shelf life, creating a delightful eating experience. Clean dairy flavour requiring no masking. Visually appealing with consistent shape, size and light colour appearance. Contains greater than 74% high quality milk protein for an extra protein boost.
NutraSol® Functional Protein Fortification Systems
These milk protein ingredients fortify food and beverage systems with proteins that meet specific functionality requirements or claims (such as micellar casein). They’re an excellent solution for ready-to-drink beverages, powder drink mixes, yogurts and other dairy foods.
OptiSol® 1000 Series
A range of functional dairy protein ingredients that improve product processing and flavour, enhance creaminess and texture and support clean label initiatives. Our OptiSol 1005 and 1007 are advanced whey protein concentrates that allow for increased protein levels in high heat processed applications.
Learn more about OptiSol® 1007 Learn more about OptiSol® 1005
An agglomerated hydrolysed whey protein designed for use in hot ready-to-mix powdered beverage and food applications. ProTherma protein is heat stable, soluble and high in protein. An excellent solution for ready-to-mix hot coffees, teas, cocoas, malts, soups, oatmeals, coffee creamers and coffee pods.
Thermax® Heat-Stable Whey Proteins
Heat-stable whey proteins that offer excellent nutritional value imparting a clean flavour, depending on degree of hydrolysis. Manufactured from sweet whey using an advanced ultrafiltration process, Thermax proteins are designed for UHT and retort processing conditions. They’re heat-stable at neutral pH, soluble over a wide pH range and available with protein content from 70% to 90%. An excellent solution for a wide variety of baked goods, bars and snacks.
UltraHi™ Protein Yogurt Technology
A unique patent-pending technology allowing for the creation of high protein yogurt products, beyond anything available on the market today. A combination of process and ingredient, it allows for different textures and fermented dairy formats (spoonable, spreadable, and drinkable). Available as functional whey and milk protein.
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