Weight Loss Still Important but the Journey is Different
As the COVID crisis winds down, consumers are eager to get back on track with their fitness goals and lose those extra pounds—particularly with the help of weight management and sports nutrition products formulated to support their efforts. While weight loss is a priority for many right now, the journey looks different than what we’ve seen in the past, with a variety of diet approaches and a stronger focus on overall health and wellness.
For example, in exploring the types of diets consumers are on or want to try, data shows the three most popular diets are low carb (19%), clean eating (18%), and intermittent fasting (16%).1 The keto/high-fat diet (popular among 14% of consumers),2 is notable for the buzz it’s generating across all age groups, according to weight-loss-related mentions on social media.3
Diving deeper into why consumers are choosing these top three diets reveals another dimension. Not only are low carb, clean eating, and intermittent fasting favored over other diets by consumers who are trying to lose weight, but they’re also the top choices by those whose goals are muscle building/weight gain and weight management.4