
Why Formulate With Nutrients That Are Functionally Optimized?

Consumers are showing increased interest in health beneficial nutrients and are eager to consume them in their supplements, foods, and beverages. While these needs continue to evolve, so does the approach of how product manufacturers include key ingredients into their formulations. We’ve worked to overcome some of the biggest ingredient challenges, so you don’t have to. Find out how to give your next product the advantage with TechVantage®.

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Title Why Formulate With Nutrients That Are Functionally Optimized?
Published July 26, 2022


There's no question that consumers have become more in tune with their health and wellness as a result of the pandemic. Sixty-eight percent of consumers indicated that immune health is an area they would like to improve with 52% saying they are attempting to adopt a long-term approach to health1. This will lead to significant lifestyle changes that include improvements in nutrition. 

Nearly half (47%) of consumers are concerned about mental health, making mental health the number two health concern1.


1.    FMCG Gurus, How Has COVID-19 Changed Consumer Behavior, March 2021,

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