glanbia cheddar cheese blend


Discover the endless possibilities of blended style cheeses.

We’ve all heard that two heads are greater than one...but does the same hold true for cheese? We think so, and that’s why we set out to find the best combinations of cheeses that would complement each other in multiple ways and leave consumers wanting more.  

Our cheese scientists worked with multiple cheese varieties to find cheese flavors that would deliver exceptional functionality, unique flavor profiles, and provide a visually stunning slice of cheese. Through a process of looking at the unique functional attributes of each individual cheese, their traditional flavor profiles, and their various color options, they were able to craft cheese blends that delivered not only on consumer preferences, but in a way that can be scaled up to reduce price.

A Bit About the Consumer.

We had a feeling that blended cheeses would be popular with consumers, but we wanted to prove it. We sent out an online survey to 1,000 respondents across the US to get their feelings on blended cheese and just as we suspected...they liked the idea a lot. In fact, they liked the idea even more than aged and pepper cheeses!


A Quick Vocabulary Lesson...

When we discuss “blended cheeses” we are describing any one block of cheese that consists of 2 or more cheese types. A blended cheese, or cheese blend, includes both marbled and mash-up style cheeses...and which process you choose to use will significantly change the end product!      

What’s a marbled style cheese? This would be a 50/50 blend (think Colby Jack) created by taking two vats of cheese made with the same milk composition,  primary culture, and make time but may include different adjunct cultures and colors, and blending them together prior to being formed into one block.

cheese marbled

What’s a mash-up style cheese? This is a cheese blend made up of a primary base cheese made in a vat with a secondary cheese (not to exceed 10% of the total blend) added on the finishing table and blended together prior to being formed into one block. 

cheese mash

Our Favorite Blends

Cheddar Mozzarella

  • Blend Type: Marbled
  • Cheese 1: Cheddar
  • Cheese 2: Mozzarella
  • Complementary Attributes: Flavor, Color, and Melting Functionality
  • Functionality:
    • Exceptional melting
    • Bolder flavor than traditional mozzarella
    • For the consumer that loves a stringy melt with a little cheddar flavor.

Cheddar Asiago

  • Blend Type: Marbled
  • Cheese 1: Cheddar
  • Cheese 2: Asiago
  • Complementary Attributes: Flavor, Color, and Melting Functionality
  • Functionality:
    • Unique flavor profile
    • Versatility
    • This is a great example of providing consumers with something that is familiar with a twist.

Cheddar Parmesan

  • Blend Type: Mash Up
  • Base Cheese: Cheddar
  • Secondary Cheese: Aged Parmesan
  • Complementary Attributes: Flavor, Color, and Melting Functionality
  • Functionality:
    • New Parmesan experience
    • Unique flavor profile bringing cheddar and parm together
    • Slicing capability
    • For those that love the taste of parmesan but have trouble using it in different applications

Now Think of the Possibilities

Now that we’ve got you thinking about blended cheeses...just imagine all of the different and delicious combinations that are out there! There are a few key considerations to think about when crafting your blended cheese variety:

1. Color: Do you want your blend to have different colors of cheese to achieve that blended look? Or is color not that important to you? 

2. Functionality: What is the cheese best known for? It’s unique flavor profile? Its melting functionality? 

3. Flavor: What flavors will complement each other? Is one mild and one overpowering? Is one nutty and one bitter? How will they work together to achieve a unique and palatable flavor profile? 

4. Consumer Perception/Awareness: Are the cheeses well known to consumers? Is one well known while the other is a bit outside of the consumer comfort zone? 

5. Which process will achieve the end result you’re looking for? Will a marbled style cheese deliver the flavor profile you seek? Or will a mash up prove to deliver the more desired overall effect? 

When you start imagining all of the potential cheeses you can craft using our blended cheese processes...there’s only one thing left to do...start blending!

For more information on our consumer study or to find out more about the blending process, please contact us! 

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