Each year the sports nutrition industry is flooded with new weight management and endurance products. In 2014, consumers spent over $6 billion1 , however recent scandals questioning the validity and safety of a number of high profile ingredients has left consumers in search of products that contain safe ingredients they can trust and are backed by science. One such ingredient is Glanbia Nutritionals’ CapsiAtra®, a dihydrocapsiate compound naturally found in CH-19 Sweet peppers. CapsiAtra® has extensive safety and toxicity data gathered from over 50 published studies on capsiates reflecting its benefits on exercise, weight management, endurance and metabolism. In humans, cardiovascular safety parameters and hematology/urology studies have been conducted. Animal studies include acute and chronic (long-term) toxicity studies, multi-generation studies, and genotoxicity and pharmacokinetics studies.

CapsiAtra® White Paper
Capsinoids as natural energy regulators for enhanced athletic endurance & weight management.