Heat stable concentrated whey protein for Low Acid Neutral pH Beverages.

Milk proteins are more prevalent in the current low acid beverage market but beverage consumers are showing an increased interest in the protein source and cleaner label formulations that contain fewer ingredients. This creates a significant market opportunity for complete or partial whey-based neutral pH beverages to break through the milk protein-laced landscape. OptiSol 1007 is your solution for better-performing neutral pH protein beverages, overcoming processing challenges while providing the stability needed to achieve the results consumers are seeking.

Common Beverage Protein Processing Challenges 

Experience When Using Whey Protein

  • Grittiness 
  • Falls out of solution
  • Forms a gel
  • Increased viscosity

 Experience When Using Milk Protein 

  • Age-related gelation 
  • Requires the addition of stabilizers and additives 

OptiSol 1007 Benefits

OptiSol 1007 Outperformed MPC in 12 Month Stability Study*   

A stability study was performed to determine the shelf stability of various blends of OptiSol 1007 (whey) and MPC after UHT processing at 8% and 10% protein levels at 40°C.

Key Findings:

  • The presence of higher amounts OptiSol 1007 aids in decreasing sedimentation.
  • OptiSol 1007 causes no age-related gelation.
  • OptiSol 1007’s viscosity levels remain consistent over time.
  • OptiSol 1007 has a considerable stabilizing effect on MPC in the absence of phosphate/buffer stabilizers. 
  • The 100% OptiSol 1007 chocolate beverage remained stable despite containing the same solid levels and carrageenan content as other chocolate beverages, suggesting that higher levels of MPC play a significant factor in beverage instability
  • The 50% OptiSol 1007 beverages were more stable than the 10% OptiSol 1007 beverages, suggesting an increase in stability due to higher levels of OptiSol 1007.

OptiSol 1007 is your solution for better-performing neutral pH protein beverages. Combine OptiSol 1007 at levels as low as 10% with milk protein to increase your formulation's stability, significantly cleaning up your labels and reducing the need to use gums and other stabilizing systems. 

*Glanbia study. Data on file.  

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