discover cheddar cheese glanbia nutritionals

Discover Cheddar Cheese

Discover one of the most popular cheese types of the world. 

Cheddar cheese is one of the world’s best known cheese varieties and while it is known by only one name, it has many unique flavor profiles. From sweet and buttery to deep and savory, Cheddar cheese flavors are as distinct as the regions from which they come. Let us take you on a Cheddar flavor tour around the world–introducing domestically made cheeses that borrow the delicious flavor profiles of Cheddars found across the globe. 

Why Cheddar? Well Let Us Tell You… 

important cheddar cheese stats

Cheddar Cheese is steadily growing, experiencing 1.8% growth on a very large 862 million lb. base. While steady growth in such a large category is encouraging on its own, there are areas within the category that far outpace the category in growth and provide an interesting and marketable opportunity for cheese retailers. Medium and sharp Cheddar Cheese profiles are among the fastest growing varieties within the category, and any age claim tends to outpace the category as a whole. These bright spots further support the idea that consumers continue to seek bold and unique flavor profiles…especially when it comes to their cheese. 

Other bright spots include white cheddar which is gaining significant momentum in the food service sector with 31% growth over 4 years for menu mentions and imported cheddar which continues to gain traction despite higher prices. 

Targeting Flavor 

Although the cheesemake process is similar for a variety of cheese types, the influence from processing, aging and inclusions can dramatically alter the outcome. With years of research and development experience the Glanbia Nutritionals Cheese Scientists at the Cheese Innovation Center use a variety of flavor techniques to reach your desired flavor profile. Whether it’s a stronger sulfur flavor or a nuttier and brothier finish, we can refine our Cheddar flavor profiles to fit your consumer’s preferences.

cheddar cheese terminology

Each sample was sent to the NC State University Sensory Service Center where they conducted an in depth flavor analysis for each Cheddar profile. 

targeting cheddar cheese stats glanbia nutritionals

Take Our Cheddar Journey 

Explore the different subtleties of Cheddar with the help of our cheese scientists and experience the unique flavor profiles of Cheddars inspired from around the world. Learn about the inspiration behind each Cheddar profile and how the flavor profiles can fulfill unique and demanding markets. From the west coast of the US to the coastal UK we’ve set out to find which flavor characteristics epitomize Cheddars from around the world and worked to develop flavors that honor the characteristics of these regional cheeses.

Classic Aged Cheddar  

The Classic Aged Cheddar is inspired by the sweeter flavor and standard color of Cheddars from the Western United States.

classic aged cheddar cheese

The “Classic” or “Western” Aged Cheddar is a sweeter Cheddar with malty undertones. It displays more nuttiness when compared to the other cheeses in the kit with a sulfur finish.

cheddar cheese gold medal


classic cheddar cheese stats

Coastal Cheddar

The Coastal Cheddar is inspired by the balanced interplay of umami and subtle caramel flavors often found in UK style Cheddars.

coastal cheddar cheese

The “Coastal” or “UK Style” Cheddar displays distinctive nutty, sulfur, and sweet notes. This Cheddar also displays the most brothy notes when compared to the other Cheddars in the kit.

coastal cheddar cheese stats

Savory Cheddar  

The Savory Cheddar is inspired by the sulfury finish and more astringent bite of traditional East Coast Cheddars. 

savory cheddar cheese glanbia nutritionals

The “Savory” or “East Coast” inspired cheddar has a strong sulfur flavor when compared to the other kit cheese varieties. It also has brothy and slightly nutty flavor notes.


savory cheddar cheese stats

Now Think of the Possibilities 

Now that you’re rediscovering your love for Cheddar...just imagine all the delicious flavor profiles there are to explore! There are a few key considerations to think about when finding your Cheddar inspiration:

  • What’s Your Inspiration? What is your favorite Cheddar? When you think of it, which flavor characteristics come to mind? Is there one on the market you want to match?
  • Color: Do you like a bright, colored cheddar? Or are your consumers more interested in seeing a traditional white cheddar?
  • Functionality: Do you want an aged cheddar which functions best as a snack? Or would you market this more as a cooking/melting cheese which may be more useful at a younger age?
  • Flavor: Which flavor profiles do you want to dominate? Do you want a sulfury finish or a sweet, nutty bite?

 Please contact us for more information on our Cheddar profiling capabilities! 

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